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Write It, Don't Fight It
Welcome: A quick intro to "Write It, Don't Fight It" (6:59)
Course overview: The 3 pillars of joyful productivity
ACTIVITY 0.1 - Create an inventory of your writing hurdles
2 options: How to squeeze most out of this course
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Bonus: Ask the Authors Anything
Recording of 3rd Q&A Webinar (February 2019) (55:25)
Recording of 2nd Q&A Webinar (January 2019) (56:41)
Recorded Q&A (December 2018 - Part 2) (58:38)
Recording of 1st Q&A Webinar (December 2018) (63:28)
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The Joyful Writer: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself (Book 1)
Chapter 1.1 - Choose to write
Activity 1.1 - Lower your resistance to writing by rephrasing your “I shoulds”
Chapter 1.2 - What stories do you tell yourself?
Activity 1.2 - Stretch your self-belief
Chapter 1.3 - Make peace with your inner critic
Activity 1.3 - Get to know your inner critic
Chapter 1.4 - Dance with your fears
Activity 1.4 - Distance yourself from your fears
Chapter 1.5 - Stop comparing yourself with others
Activity 1.5 - View yourself with compassionate eyes
Chapter 1.6 - Let go of perfectionism
Activity 1.6 - Discover when perfectionism obstructs you
Chapter 1.7 - Get motivated to write
Activity 1.7 - Write your personal manifesto
Chapter 1.8 - Keep plugging away when writing is tough
Activity 1.8 - Consider how to practice mindfulness
Chapter 1.9 - The joy of writing
Activity 1.9 - Knock down one stumbling block
Discussion Video 1: What sport pros can teach us about self-doubt and joyful writing (31:16)
The Prolific Writer: Find the Energy, Focus, and Courage to Achieve Your Goals (Book 2)
Chapter 2.1 - Habits boost your creative courage
Activity 2.1 - Reframe your view of habits
Chapter 2.2 - Nurture tiny habits
Activity 2.2 - Dust off that old project
Chapter 2.3 - Conquer busyness to find time to write
Activity 2.3 - Do less (and feel more fulfilled)
Chapter 2.4 - Get in the mood
Activity 2.4 - Beat procrastination
Chapter 2.5 - Refuel your energy
Activity 2.5 - Manage your mental energy
Chapter 2.6 - Stay focused
Activity 2.6 - Practice focus
Chapter 2.7 - Achieve your writing goals
Activity 2.7 - Find an accountability method that works for you
Chapter 2.8 - Accelerate your writing productivity
Activity 2.8 - Become a more prolific writer
Discussion Video 2: What sports pros can teach us about motivation, habits, and peak performance (22:31)
The Confident Writer: How to Get Unstuck and Speed Up Your Writing (Book 3)
Chapter 3.1 -Troubleshoot your stuckness
Activity 3.1 - Assess your writing process
Chapter 3.2 - Craft your optimal writing process
Activity 3.2 - Evaluate your writing process
Chapter 3.3 - Spark a wave of ideas
Activity 3.3 - Generate an idea bank
Chapter 3.4 - Research your ideas
Activity 3.4 - Assess your research habits
Chapter 3.5 - Outline to stop feeling overwhelmed
Activity 3.5 - The reverse-outlining challenge
Chapter 3.6 - Write your first draft faster
Activity 3.6 - Speed up writing first drafts
Chapter 3.7 - Revise and rescue crappy first drafts
Activity 3.7 - Streamline your revision process
Chapter 3.8 - The power of percolation
Activity 3.8 - Harness the power of percolation
Chapter 3.9 - Crush writer’s block
Activity 3.9 - Squeeze one last drop out of the course
Discussion Video 3: How to squeeze more out of your writing time, even if your energy is low (28:07)
Download Your Ebooks
What is this?
ebook 1: The Joyful Writer: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
ebook 2: The Prolific Writer: Find the Energy, Focus, and Courage to Achieve Your Goals
ebook 3: The Confident Writer: How to Get Unstuck and Speed Up Your Writing
Your workbook: Write It, Don't Fight It
12 Recommended Books That Will Help You Live a More Fulfilled, Creative Life
12 Recommended Books That Will Help You Live a More Fulfilled, Creative Life
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